2021 Stockholders Meeting

February 8, 2021

Registration beginning at 5:00pm

Meeting starting at 6:00pm

Due to COVID 19 we are limited to 50 individuals in attendance.

We are asking only one representative per account attend the meeting

and that you RSVP by February 6th with the secretary/treasurer Laura by

Email at summitreservoir@gmail.com


Leave a message at 970-570-5580

Approved meeting minutes for the annual meeting and monthly board of director meetings are available to stockholders upon request from the secretary / treasurer.

Meeting Information

Board of Director's Meeting 

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

​7:00 PM

Aspen Wall Wood

31405 Road S

Dolores, CO 81323

Monthly board of directors meetings occur on the second Wednesday of each month, with the exception of February, when no monthly meeting is held.

While stockholders are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly Board of Director's meetings, these meetings are intended to conduct company business within a short period of time.   Any party wishing to address the Board of Directors at these meetings must be added to the agenda at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.  Those individuals that do not comply with this request, will be added to the next month agenda.

Please note that from time-to-time changes in exact date, time and location of these meetings may vary due to the director's schedules and site availability, please check the information line or this page for updates.

The irrigation company conducts an annual meeting of the stockholders in either January or February of each year.  

Please check back with either this page or the phone information line for updated information.

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

​Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company
